Tuesday 8 April 2014

The Importance of Green Spaces/Parks

 Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain
"Unsustainability implies that at some point in the future development will be compromised, or even threatened, as environmental capacity is reached or environmental limits are breached" (Tim Hall, 2006: 155)
The urban environment is characteristic of many buildings in a limited space. Concentrated in the city is both the living and working spaces, shopping areas, educational facilities and services which is found in close proximity to one another. The city due to its high real estate value is the result of the limited amounts of green spaces seen to be present and also the lack of space available for parking of private and public vehicles. The city of Port of Spain displays this type of environment because currently there are only two main green spaces that can be seen. They include Woodford Square and the Queens Park Savannah. The Woodford Square has many historical events linked with its location so it not only acts as a public open space but has attached meaning to it. The savannah on the other hand Trinidad and Tobago's largest Park has its many perks as it is usually used for leisure, football and cricket by surrounding schools and/or teams and the general public. It is known as the largest round-about in the world.

Green spaces has several benefits which can be expanded on in terms of its environmental, social, health and economic impacts ( Liverpool City Council,n.d)

Green spaces in the city encourages the protection and conservation of valuable areas so that it can increase its biodiversity. It contributes significantly to keeping the air and water clean by sequestering the damaging effects of pollution. This will also help buffer against climate change as well as act as a safe habitat for endangered species. These areas also contribute to cooling the cities as the trees within buffer the trapped heat between buildings and streets.

These green spaces besides for their positive impacts on the environment they play a role in enhancing the economies of the city and its neighboring communities. It stimulates recreation within the urban environment and move away from the city being known just for its services. It encourages a more entertaining lifestyle on the outdoors rather than indoor recreational activities such as the cinema,arcades, malls etc. It also facilitates the tourism sector as scenic environments are very attractive. Besides from its physical appearance, these spaces are sources of employment to many.

Being in contact with nature often enriches our psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being. As such these areas can bring a sense of enjoyment as it is a place of adventure, exercise, recreation, and in general an area of peace and quiet. As such it can those who are vulnerable to stress, mental heath issues and obesity.

These green spaces/parks are used as a meeting place for friends, family and the general public. It is an area where excitement and relaxation is usually felt as it is the location of many festivals, sporting events and activities. What can be seen here is the mingling of different cultures thus it encourages and keeps alive our own cultural heritage.

Flow chart shows the various benefits of green spaces (Liverpool City Council, n.d)

To read more on the benefits of green-spaces, the PDF by Liverpool  is here

According to Banerjee, open space also referred to as the lungs of the city is the  "antidote" to the crowed and polluted city. Therefore it can be seen that the ‘greening of the city contributes significantly to the environmental,economic, health and social aspects of the city and thus makes the future development of cities more sustainable (Tim Hall, 2006: 171) However regardless of the positive benefits these spaces has, green spaces/parks are used for development. So yes people want to see these green spaces but only at the cost of someone else for example the government. In order for this mentality to change Peiser 2012 page 291-292 suggest that the 'free rider' problem where people want to enjoy the use of open spaces provided and paid for by someone else must be overcomed. This can also be achieved by making open-space preservation a priority by the regional and local level. 

While researching green spaces in Trinidad and Tobago I came across an article by Selwyn Cudjoe who argues the reasons why the Tacarigua savannah should be preserved. According to Cudjoe, "This is what great countries do. They preserve, maintain, and restore green space in their cities and their villages because they are essential for the well-being of their citizens." To follow more on this article, read here.

This is just a video I took as the picture alone could not show the entire savannah.

Another example of a green space that is recently being developed is the Green Park at Movie Towne. I just wanted to share the beauty of this picture to you.


Liverpool City Council. "The Value of Parks and Green Spaces" n.d.

Richard Peiser. 2012. "Urban Sprawl," The Town Planning Review 72: no.3: 291-292.

Tim Hall.2006.Urban Geography 3rd edition. London/New York: Routeledge,171.

Tridib Banerjee. 2001. " The Future of Public Space: Beyond Invented Streets and Reinvented Places," American Planning Association, Winter 2001: 67:no.1: 3.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you explained the importance and need for green spaces in the urban areas in terms of health, society and the environment. I can see the correlation between the importance, as it is of greater concern in urban areas, and my topic of urban congestion, as urban development leads to loss of green spaces.
