Thursday 30 January 2014



Welcome to my page viewers! 

 My name is Terry and this is my first ever online blog for a Geography assignment that I'm working on this semester. In the coming weeks I will be exploring the concept of urbanization in a place which I am proud to call home, the "New York"  or "capital" of the Caribbean. Yes, the beautiful twin island of Trinidad and Tobago. 

Urbanization at first glance seems to be such a complex and boring word, but don't run away just yet. This is going to be fun! Fun?  Why, YES! I'm going to explore the idea of urbanization as it relates to the environment in sweet T&T, and I'll be blogging (or bragging) about it!

Any proud Trini like myself would believe that we live in a Caribbean paradise! *cue music-Coldplay Paradise* 

But is it really?

Stay tuned for more!